Thirteen years on the market have resulted in high-quality products for daily use and attractive and transparent system of remuneration.
We have boldness and courage to change the world for the better. That's why we made another step forward and established FM WORLD Distribution!
FM WORLD Distribution is a response to the needs of people around the world who have not had access to FM WORLD products. Thank to FM WORLD Distribution, we can sell and send products to all other locations where FM WORLD has no branches. As of today, we serve Business Partners in almost 100 different markets. Thereby, we become one of the most widely active MLM companies in the world!
FM WORLD Distribution also opens a new way of sponsorship – Business Partners will be able to invite to cooperation people from the markets where this activity has not been possible. New persons will become part of FM WORLD and the points achieved by them will be added to the group turnover and the Global Point Turnover.
Act wherever you wish: www.distribution.fmworld.com